Friday, May 8, 2009

Some Good News

We are still waiting for the results of the blood test, hopefully we should have them today so I don't have to sweat out the weekend. But, we did take M to the pediatrician yesterday for a quick weight check, and she was up 10 ounces from last week! She is now at 7 lbs 11 oz, which is 6 ounces above her original birthweight. Considering the fact that 10 days ago we were nearly sent to the hospital because she wasn't gaining weight, this was some welcome news!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blood Work Tonight

Getting M's first blood draw tonight to see how the medication is working, hopefully will have results to report back tomorrow. Also back to the pediatrician tomorrow night for a quick check on her weight.

In general M is doing pretty well, she is 3 weeks old tomorrow. She seems to be a little more fussy in the evenings, not sure if this is related to the synthroid (we usually give it to her around 7pm) or just normal baby stuff. She loves to stare at our faces when we hold her...often I will think she is sleeping only to look down and see her big eyes looking back at me.

We have her regular one month checkup with the pediatrician next week so we should get a good gauge of her progress then.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A bit more detail.

As I mentioned in the first post, M was diagnosed at 5 days old. Her TSH levels were at about 500, whereas normal is in the 5-10 range. Our pediatric endocrinologist suspected that she was born without a thyroid but a later scan revealed some underdeveloped thyroid tissue.

She experienced some jaundice that went away at about the two week mark with no additional treatment. Our pediatrician was also concerned about her lack of weight gain, and nearly sent her to the hospital at 12 days old because of it. After beginning formula supplements with her feedings M gained 4 ounces between 12 and 14 days old and generally appeared to be doing much better.

We will find out this week (5/7/09) how her treatment with thyroid hormone replacement has worked. This is when we will have our first blood tests. I am definitely nervous since feeding an infant a crushed pill through a syringe can be no small task. Generally she takes it well though, so we will keep our fingers crossed!!

Getting Started...

I am starting this blog in hopes of getting into contact with other parents of children who have Congenital Hypothyroidsim and to share our experiences.

A bit of background on us. Our daughter, "M", was born on 4/16/09 and diagnosed with CH 5 days later by a pediatric endocrinologist and began treatment (Synthroid) that same day. We were told that with careful treatment she would progress and develop normally.

As I'm sure many concerned parents do, I very quickly took to the internet to try and find other parents of children with CH to find out how they are doing at various stages of their life and if they had any problems along the way. To my dismay, I found virtually nothing...surprising since although rare, CH still does affect appx. 1 in 4000 newborns.

I'm hoping this blog will attract other parents to share their experience, and as M grows up perhaps parents of newly diagnosed children will be able to come here for help and encouragement by reading what we have gone through.

Please use the comments section to share your thoughts!